This collection of resources is designed to help librarians produce a successful Tales and Travel Memories program.
The following logos are generic images without institutional branding. They are designed to accommodate your library’s logo inside the suitcase portion of the image. Feel free to add these images to your Tales and Travel Memories program materials.
Download Tales and Travels Logos (Color or Black and White):
For specific information on destinations and program materials, click the Excursions tab at the top of this page.
Books and printed works are a major part of Tales and Travel Memories. The bibliography below compile titles used across several destinations—use them to get started on your own Tales and Travel Memories program.
DOWNLOAD bibliography spreadsheet
The files hosted on this website are protected by Creative Commons licensing. Specifically, Creative Commons licenses enable the sharing of documents and other media under clear guidelines.
The materials found on this website are:
When using the files, be sure to:
If reproduced, files on this website including a Creative Commons license must meet those same standards. Creative Commons helpfully provides examples of use.
According to Creative Commons, “This license lets others remix, tweak, and build upon your work non-commercially, as long as they credit you and license their new creations under identical terms.” (citation: Retrieved 11 April 2016 from
For those who missed it, here is the segment promoting the use of books and reading that was unable to be displayed at the Public Library Association’s 2022 annual conference. Click here!
For more information on service to dementia populations, please visit the International Federation of Library Services (IFLA) Guidelines for Library Services to Persons with Dementia.
The Alzheimer’s and Related Dementias Interest Group (IGARD) connects libraries and librarians with resources, news, and best practices for serving populations with dementia. IGARD is an interest group of the Association of Specialized and Cooperative Library Agencies (ASCLA), a division of the American Library Association (ALA).